I linked to my boys' old blog today when Christopher asked for an April Fools prank idea, and noticed that the images were missing. This is due to the demise of iDisk, Apple's handy built-in version of DropBox that I paid them about $100/year for until they shut it down and broke all my links to it.
To fix this, I copied the old iDisk Sites folder to Google Drive, and manually changed the links in the blog posts. Then I had a thought - could I host my twitter archive this way? As you can see it works.
Here's how to do it:
- Download your Twitter Archive by clicking Request your archive on the Account Settings page.
- Install Google Drive
- Expand the archive and copy it into the local Google Drive folder
- Go to Google Drive in the browser, and set the folder to public using the Share button.
- Copy the URL which will be something like: https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B7cAS_dEul22V3d5c0d5WkpEOFE
- Edit the first part to be 'googledrive.com/host' so you get https://googledrive.com/host/0B7cAS_dEul22V3d5c0d5WkpEOFE
- (Optional) Go over to a URL shortener and make a short link for it like I did http://j.mp/kmtweets
Now you have your old tweets hosted on Google. Tweet a link to them.
Aha, I can just drag my Twitter archive onto Google Drive and publish it j.mp/kmtweets
— Kevin Marks (@kevinmarks) April 2, 2013
in your sample link it should be "host" not "hosts" - but great solution :)
Thanks, I'll try that.
You might want to update the source for the picture in 'About me' as well (bottom right of this page), another .Mac src.
Christiaan Conover: mentioned this in Hosting my Twitter Archive Pub....
via christiaanconover.com
Michael Mahemoff: @kevinmarks And no official limits or metered pricing. Can’t use for anything intended to be permanent and reliably served.
via twitter.com
Jack Schofield: mentioned this in @kevinmarks @brucedaisley Than....
via twitter.com
not Jony Ive: mentioned this in @kevinmarks @GlennF We weren’t....
via twitter.com
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